ALKEEMIA reaches another remarkable milestone by placing itself at the top of the sustainability rating evaluated by the specialized agency EcoVadis: it obtains the Platinum Medal and reaches the 99° percentile

ALKEEMIA  is proud to be able to share this success with all its stakeholders, underlining the importance of a shared vision and a common commitment towards a more sustainable future. 


Alkeemia Battery Forum: "Il futuro delle batterie in Europa passa per la supply chain"

Il futuro delle batterie in Europa passa per la supply chain

Alkeemia Battery Forum: "Il futuro delle batterie in Europa passa per la supply chain"

Alkeemia Battery Forum: "Il futuro delle batterie in Europa passa per la supply chain"

A Venezia l'Alkeemia Battery Forum per disegnare il futuro delle batterie in Europa

Alkeemia, al via la II edizione del Battery Forum "Chemistry behind the cell"

Alkeemia: il futuro delle batterie in UE passa per la supply chain

«Le miniere oggi sono sicure e a impatto zero». L'ad di Alkeemia: «Usiamo le nostre materie prime»

SACE e Intesa Sanpaolo al fianco di Alkeemia per la trasformazione sostenibile dello stabilimento di Porto Marghera

ALKEEMIA: ammoderna Porto Marghera con finanziamento Intesa garantito SACE

Finanziamento di 10 milioni ad Alkeemia, con garanzia Green Sace

Alla società del fluoro Alkeemia un prestito green di 10 mln euro da Intesa SP per l’acquisto di macchinari ecosostenibili

Alkeemia investe in sostenibilità: al via la trasformazione da 21 milioni di euro dello stabilimento di Porto Marghera

Litio, Alkeemia investe 21 milioni nella fabbricazione di batterie

Alkeemia, sul piatto oltre 100 milioni per produrre i sali di litio a Marghera Sono indispensabili per le batterie delle auto elettriche: «Oggi dipendiamo del tutto dal Far East»


Porto Marghera, Alkeemia investe 21 milioni: «Primo centro europeo di produzione per le batterie al litio»

SACE e Intesa Sanpaolo sostengono Alkeemia nella trasformazione sostenibile dello stabilimento di Porto Marghera

Per una elettromobilità davvero sostenibile c'è bisogno di una supply chain integrata europea.

Top 500 Venezia, Lorenzo Di Donato (ALKEEMIA): "Puntiamo a diventare leader nella produzione di sali di litio per batterie"

Lorenzo Di Donato, AD ALKEEMIA al @Gazzettino : «Sono stato folgorato da Marghera...

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Summary of ALKEEMIA


ALKEEMIA is a world leader in the production and sale of anhydrous hydrofluoric acid (AHF) and inorganic fluoroderivatives.
It owns and operates a fluoroderivatives plant within the large petrochemical complex in Marghera, Italy.

The main product is anhydrous hydrofluoric acid (AHF).

It recently obtained European grants for an industrial research and development project in the battery sector.

Blantyre Capital Ltd, an investment company founded in 2016, acquired the business in October 2021.

Blantyre’s goal is to increase the value of ALKEEMIA by growing the business through appropriate financial support for management and investment with the aim of strengthening the company’s balance sheet and supporting management in implementing the business plan for sustainable growth of the company.

ALKEEMIA also owns, as of March 2021, the 50 percent stake in CF Carbons, a joint venture with Dutch company Nobian (formerly Akzo Nobel Chemicals) that produces chlorodifluoromethane in Frankfurt.


We are specialized in the production of anhydrous hydrofluoric acid.

Hydrofluoric acid, in particular, is used in both concentrated and dilute formulations. In addition to its use in the traditional chemical industry, hydrofluoric acid is mainly used in the industries of fluoropolymers, refrigerants, pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, electronics, metallurgy, fertilizers, construction, and others.


The Porto Marghera plant represents an ideal logistical location for ALKEEMIA with direct access to port, rail and highways: 90 percent of hydrofluoric acid production is delivered to customers via rail tankers; while the raw material arrives by ship and is stored near the plant.

The plant benefits from a natural gas cogeneration unit for self-generation of electricity capable of generating (providing, starting, creating, bringing about) a virtuous circuit: low-pressure steam production is used as a utility for the entire plant; hot water, in particular, is used in the distillation section; and electricity covers 75 percent of the production site’s energy consumption.